
Bring Them Flowers

There are a few things you must do to prepare for your first face-to-face meeting: Make a list of what you want to accomplish during the meeting; Anticipate potential concerns from the client; Check to ensure you are completely prepared; Listen more than you talk; Bring support staff with you; Use and respect the client’s […]

Who’s Your MVP?

The previous post dealt with making first contact with your prospective big fish and how to make a positive first impression. Today we’re going to cover feeling out the personality of your prospective big fish in order to match the right salesperson to the fish. You need to do this in two steps: Profile your […]

The Perfect Bait

Our last post covered how to learn about your big fish and prepare for your initial contact with them. This first contact is essential to your success so you will need to instill confidence in them. They need to know you can fulfill exactly what you are offering on time, at a good price, and […]

Shhh… I Have a Secret

Customer service is a hot topic and can make or break your business. Consumers have little patience for poor customer service and easily get tired of waiting in long lines, trying to get a live person on the line, going through an interrogation to return something, or trying to communicate through a language barrier. If […]

Are You On The Right Path?

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when prepping yourself and your company to approach the largest clients you may ever work with. Today we will begin with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about […]

Deliver + 1

In the last post we discussed how to figure out what your customers want in order to experience a positive shopping experience. Today we will go over the concept of Deliver +1 and how this can elevate your customer service to the next level. I’ve decided to split up this post, so the next one […]

Another Secret Revealed

In the last post we outlined the first secret to building a solid customer service plan and how to establish your vision for your business. Today we will discuss the second secret in elevating your satisfied customers to raving fans. It is imperative that you know what your customers want. Familiarize yourself with who your […]

Add Some Compost

In the last post we covered the first three of the 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process. To refresh your memory they are: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy   These 7 areas will fine tune your plan for the ultimate […]

The Corporate Puzzle

These are the 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy   These 7 areas will fine tune your plan for the ultimate level of success. In this post, we are going to cover the first three. […]

Expand the Life of Your Business

Today we will explore the life cycle of a business and how to get the most out of each cycle while also extending the lifespan of your business. The four different stages of a business life cycle are: Infancy Adolescence Growing Pains Maturity   We’ll look at what each of these cycles mean and how […]