
How Well Do You Know Your Vendors?

Relationship building is one of the most fundamental ways to develop your business. By building relationships with your vendors and those around, you have the potential to bring in new customers and/or clients, while also increasing awareness of your company branding. The people with whom you work directly on your products and services are the ones who will benefit the most from your success. By taking the time to get to know them, you’ll find a whole host of opportunities you didn’t realize were there. Always look for great ways to offer your vendors rewards for helping grow your business

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Telemarketing is NOT Your Enemy

Today the focus will be on direct mail marketing and yes, telemarketing to your full advantage. I know the word “telemarketing” might as well be four letters, but there is a way to utilize it in a way that customers feel like they are getting personal attention and keep them from blocking your number! The success realized from direct mail marketing and the availability of computers can be used as a powerful marketing tool for your success. Telemarketing is best for high priced, high margin products and/or services. Here are the key steps for creating a highly effective direct mail

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Turn Prospects into Customers Overnight!

Today we will be exploring how to turn prospects into customers and retain them for future marketing purposes. While your marketing efforts are working to identify prospects, you need to figure out how to turn those prospects into customers. There are a few key ways to draw prospects in and seal the deal. You need to be: Inviting; Informative; Enjoyable. The biggest fear of most new customers is the dreaded buyer’s remorse. You want to avoid this at all costs and you should be able to mitigate this feeling if you have provided a quality product and/or service that delivers

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Make it Pop!

There are 5 major components to good advertising copy (The order of these is essential to success): Command Attention; Showcase Benefits of Products and/or Services; Prove the Benefits; Persuade People to Embrace the Benefits; Call to   Advertising is sales in print. So you need to consider how to showcase the unique benefits your products/services offer in a persuasive way. The emphasis must be on results, not features. Let’s take a minute to reflect on each of the components:   Command Attention: This is most often accomplished with a You need an attention-getter that compels your audience to find out

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Direct Response or Bust!

Direct response marketing demands a direct response from your potential customers. This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding and products, and also explain the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to respond, whether that be in the way of signing up for a newsletter, posting a comment on your site or blog, or purchasing a product from you. So, what does direct response marketing look like? Well, it comes in many forms, including: Direct mail; Print ads; Radio and TV ads; Coupons or other incentives; Telemarketing.

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