
Deliver + 1

In the last post we discussed how to figure out what your customers want in order to experience a positive shopping experience. Today we will go over the concept of Deliver +1 and how this can elevate your customer service to the next level. I’ve decided to split up this post, so the next one will cover the 1% Rule. Consistency is the key to any great customer service experience. If you want to elevate your satisfied customers to Raving Fan status, you must go above and beyond the average customer service experience. There are three ways to develop consistency:

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Another Secret Revealed

In the last post we outlined the first secret to building a solid customer service plan and how to establish your vision for your business. Today we will discuss the second secret in elevating your satisfied customers to raving fans. It is imperative that you know what your customers want. Familiarize yourself with who your customers are and you will know better how to serve them. Demographics are extremely important here. An upper-class woman in her 30’s is going to have completely different expectations than a blue collar worker in his 50’s. You need to do the following four things

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Add Some Compost

In the last post we covered the first three of the 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process. To refresh your memory they are: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy   These 7 areas will fine tune your plan for the ultimate level of success. Today we are going to examine the last four. Think of constructing your business model like planting a tree. At first, it’s so small and weak you wonder if it will even make it through the night. But as you keep watering,

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The Corporate Puzzle

These are the 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process: Primary Aim Strategic Objectives Organizational Strategy Management Strategy People Strategy Marketing Strategy Systems Strategy   These 7 areas will fine tune your plan for the ultimate level of success. In this post, we are going to cover the first three. Primary Aim It’s essential in business development to set goals and see a vision for the future. This needs to go beyond the business as you must consider what you want out of life. What do you dream about? How do you see your success

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Expand the Life of Your Business

Today we will explore the life cycle of a business and how to get the most out of each cycle while also extending the lifespan of your business. The four different stages of a business life cycle are: Infancy Adolescence Growing Pains Maturity   We’ll look at what each of these cycles mean and how each of them can assist you in expanding the life span of your business.   Infancy This is generally considered the technician’s phase, which is the owner. At this point, the relationship between the business and the owner is that of a new baby and

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